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20/ 10/ 2023

Eco-schemes are a major new intervention under the direct payments part of the CAP for the 2023-27 period, focused on addressing climate, environment, animal welfare, and antimicrobial resistance. Member States must allocate at least 25% of their financial envelope for direct payments to these schemes. On average across the EU, eco-schemes account for 23% of direct payment allocations. As such, they have an important role contributing to the achievement of the European Green Deal and the targets and objectives set out in the Farm to Fork Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy.

Member States had a great deal of flexibility as to how they designed their eco-schemes. This has led to significant variability in the final eco-schemes available to farmers in different parts of the EU, in terms of the number of eco-schemes on offer, their focus, content and therefore also their complexity and level of ambition.

Eco-schemes are an important “building block” of the CAP’s green architecture which includes a wide range of tools to improve the environmental and climate performance of agricultural activities. It is therefore important that eco-schemes are assessed while considering their interlinkages with the full range of green architecture tools, including agri-environment-climate commitments, investments, support to organic farming, and other relevant interventions.



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